Saturday, July 24, 2010


This is a paper bag book that was made by another consultant. I am not sure of her name, but I'm using this to see how to ost images into my blog.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Here we go!!!!

Ok, I just set up my blog page. Now what should I write about?

I will be writing about all kinds of things, I hope.

First off, I am an independent consultant for Close To My Heart (CTMH).

I love this company. I've been with them for almost 7 years now and love when all the new papers and products come out.

We have a catalog that is released 3 times a year and all of us consultants can't wait for the next one. The excitment grows each quarter and the "I wonder what's new" starts swamping the CTMH Bulletin boards with our hopes for new items, new stamps, new papers.

Now, I must admit that I am a stamp and paper sniffer. I love the smell of our cardstock. I also love to smell our wonderful acrylix stamps. Strange, I know, but there are other consultants that also "suffer" from this disorder. LOL

Well, I am off to set up my blogspot.